Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I can't contain my feelings any longer! It's my wifes day at the doctors office, and the baby's gender was predetermined by ultrasound...at first, the doctor was keeping it a surprise. Little did she know that I can read those white dots on the screen. Ladies and gentlemen, our baby has a penis!!! Hooorahhh!!! It's a boy! It has a dick!!! Thats why the baby is so active. We saw it scratching its baby ears and little baby chin. Its sooo cute! In this case I'm planning to name it "Diego". Just because it sounds nice when you say in English...and very musculine too! Now I think I'm ready to prepare for the baby's coming. We are definitely going to watch those cool violent anime cartoons. This is also a good chance to buy a new playstation when he grows up. I have so much to teach him (Not to mention my Julio-Valiente-Leon-Guerrero con Lapid moves that I learned during childhood.). I'm so happy that not only did I have a son, but I also have a life long playmate and friend. Here's to the good times! May the Lord keep it rolling!

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