Monday, November 14, 2005


I don't know where I will be without friends. If they make pocket size friends my pockets will be full. But those exceptional ones I will surely carry close to my heart...Drama!

Early in the morning I had a problem with my car. As soon as I left the parking lot and turned the steering wheel to the right, I knew that there is something wrong with Tita Cory (our HRV is golden yellow). There was a sound coming from the steering...kinda like turning a rusty lock from a nuclear sub...When I reached work I'm still bothered by the sound which made me pop the hood. As I might have guessed! There is a leak from my steering oil reservoir! The oil is down to an inch. The alternator is soaked with transmission oil and I got a little scared. I heard about cars that burn because of leaks. But theres no need to hurry, Don's brother is my reliable mechanic. He can fix it really good.

After bringing it to the garage, I was told that it will take time to fix my shit colored car. There is no way I can go back to work asap. The only way to get back quickly is ti call Don the reliable! Thanks Don for bringing me back to the hospital...I'll make a copy of the Kama Sutra DVD for you dont worry! hehehehe!

And when I needed a ride back to the garage in the afternoon there is always the dependable Ed. He's the real deal! This guy will always be there to help. I have never heard him say no to me. Kudos to both of you! (what is kudos by the way???)

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