Tuesday, February 01, 2005


There are times in our busy lives that we just can't sleep for no reason. In my case, we slept at 4:00 in the afternoon and woke up at 1am. I might had my fair share of sleep earlier thats why I can't get any tonight.

I opened my laptop to check my mails. Maybe there is a friend who will share an experience that will make me sleep! hehehe! Joke! I read all of your mails. Except for the forwarded messages! I dont like those things. I had one that said I will get bad luck for seven years if I dont forward his email. What a friend?! He might as well send me a bolt of lightning to go with it.

Anyhow, I'm giving myself up to 3am to cybersurf and then close my eyes and try to force myself to sleep. Or! There is a bottle of vodka lying around here. I'm tempted to give myself a shot or two. But I don't want a hang over later. I have an important job to do.

Its almost 3am and I have to go. Wish me luck that tomorrow when I go to bed everything will flow smoothly. Be sleeping in my side of the bed with my brand new wife! hehehe! goodnight to all! bye!

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