Wednesday, June 22, 2005


..continued from part 2.

As we lined up for the wedding march, memories flashed back on my mind of the days when I was still a ring bearer. Many a times have I attended weddings carrying a heart shaped pillow with a pair of rings or an arrhae on top of it. This is like deja vu all over again. But his time it is my turn to be sent off to the altar by a procession of friends and relatives. Another thought was losing my bachelorhood (this would probably make any playboy faint! And that’s you Richelle Garcia! =>) and giving away my family name to my bride. 30 is not my ideal age, no sir! Not even closer. I don’t want to be boastful, but it was my dream to be a D.O.M. (Dirty Old Man) and get hitched by the age of 40. And what happened to that plan you may ask? I met the woman that I love and want to grow old with. It's as simple as that.

The music started playing to the tune of "Jesu Joy of Mans desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach, our cue to start walking the red carpet. My best man Dr. Phillip Lopez went first, I was second and then my father. When they started walking I felt a swirl of emotions taking me over. It’s exhilarating! I took my sweet time taking my steps, making sure that everybody saw me. I gave each one a smile and a glance as I passed by. In my pocket is a handkerchief that my mom gave me. She probably thinks that I needed it when I get to the altar…and I'm sure I will at that time.

When I got to the altar Philip gave me some pointers as we watched the entourage come in. He said that I am the groom, and the groom should never cry. So I prepared myself while I wait my bride. There is so much emotion in the air that my knees trembled in excitement, my eyes are teary and my jaw started to hurt from smiling.

I enjoyed watching the kids as they walk by. All of them are so cute especially Yan-yan. She was walking so fast and so confident before the entered the church doors. But as soon as she saw the jam-packed church she slowed down as if she was ready to retreat!

There were also some personalities that stood out from the entourage. Cheche, Lany's sister, gave a dazzling walk when it was her turn. She flaunted her way towards the altar as if it was a cat walk! Everybody was in awe!

And then it was my brides turn. Everybody was so eager to see her walk. I knew that it would take time because she wanted to extend the length of her walk. After all, Paco Church is very very small. I even joked that if she wanted a long walk she should start from Padre Faura Taft Avenue!

As soon as everybody was in, the gentle sound of the flute began to play, a solo flute intro from the Carpenter's song "We've Only Just Began". Everybody held there breathe as they wait for her. And then at last, I saw my bride walking slowly as she passed the fountain. My heart was racing that I thought I would pass out. I try not to look at her so much because my eyes are starting to water. When she reached the door, she was received by her parents and they started to walk towards me. Mama Mila was crying her heart out as she was about to give away her first born daughter to me. Her Father couldn’t bear to smile, he just kept walking. Time stood still. I don’t even know if everybody had continued breathing. Cameras were flashing everywhere. Extra lighting was needed when we all met the altar. Lany gave my dad an embrace as I took her parents hands to bless them. She cried, probably because of my dad’s reaction. As her father gave her hand to me and whispered "take care of my daughter", we immediately locked our eyes at each other; we smiled and held hands whispering that this is it! This is the moment that we have been waiting for. I wanted to kiss her so badly, if only I hadn’t reminded myself that that part was reserved after the ceremony has ended. be continued

Up next: "The reception"

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