Sunday, June 18, 2006


I don't have internet at home so I do most of my email at work...after duty! Promise after duty! => But I was surprised when our computer administrator (and thats you mr. nice guy! i know you're reading this!) blocked all the useful websites that I go to. You can't do email too! And I think thats the worst that they can do. Internet is so expensive here in Bahrain! (and i bet that mr. nice-guy-network-administrator knows about this. because he used to hook my home pc to his internet shop in my old neighborhood!) Maybe because there is only one service provider in this Kingdom. They dominated the market and raised the price to make it unaffordable to users like me...those who's salary bracket is so low that you can do a limbo-rock dance underneath it.

The internet is for everyone. Ofcourse there are abusive net users, but cutting off our privilege to send emails to transact buisness and send love messages to our love ones abroad is a cheap shot below the belt. For your information Mr.nice-guy-network-administrator-person, THIS INTERNET IS THE ONLY BENEFIT THAT WE, "THE EXPATRIATES" GET FROM THIS COMPANY. And I bet you know this because your an expat too.

And there's no need to ban my site...this ain't PORN!

From the person who use to pay 5BD per month for illegal internet provided by mr.nice-guy-network-administrator-who-has-an-internet-shop-in-our-old-neighborhood,

Dennis (network connection #12)

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