Friday, December 09, 2005


After browsing the blogsites about food, we decided that we dedicate this week for food. Think of this as a reality show ok. We are not going to showcase freshly prepared fiesta food. We just want you to see what a real life home cooked meal looks like. Because not all of us have the time and inspiration to be a chef.

Todays brunch is last nights overcooked Pampanga's Best longanisa with fried egg and overnight rice (ito daw ang right translation ng Bahaw). For the on the go couple, there is nothing like an easy to cook sausage and fried eggs. Considering that we are both on a day off, we managed to still be lazy and stay in bed. No need to over indulge our palates, a simple dish will do.

Tomorrow, we'll be featuring another dish...erm...we'll see what we have. Got no plans yet. But I'm sure that it will be as delicious as todays dish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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