Friday, October 29, 2004


As if the first pictorial isn't bad enough, we decided to go for it again. This time we are armed by our own tripod! At 7 am we headed out to the nearest stretch of beach, THE OTHER SIDE OF SEASIDE! (I actually don't know what it's called. So pardon me for making up the name. Heehee!) The weather is actully nice and sunny...blinding-freaky-sunny! Compared to the last shoot, I felt like we are directly on the suns surface. Our pictures turned out like were chinese.

Anyhow, we were surprised to see a lot of pinoys fishing in beach area of the park. We felt embarassed to take pictures because we can understand what they'll be whispering about. Imagine the two of us possing like superstar telenovela stars. Like Kristine Hermosa and Jericho Rosales. Claudine and Rico Yan....wait! he's already dead! Claudine and Raymart. Mahal and Jimboy. The other funny part is, there is no photographer! =< Our first location is the pier. We really don't know what it is but it looks like one. We possed, and in a matter of seconds we are prey to the fish folks! Everybodys face are turned to us. As if all the fish have all gone on our part of the beach. But who cares? I just told Lany to pretend to speak chinese when we got near them. So that they won't say that we're baduy, and not throw up!

We noticed that the first shoot was far better. We had more unique ideas. And our first location doesn't have an Indian guy lifting his skirt up as he goes into the water. But to be serious, the park has limited attactions to offer, other than the beach.

In our last hour of shoot, we found a small spot and our sense of humor to end our session. It is really hard to focus when people are looking at you. I could only imagine our pre-nup pictures with Chito Vecina. I'm beginning to be very nervous! But the park bench, the odd looking tree and the other odd looking tree was enough to entertain us. We got a handfull of good pictures to show everyone. And eventhough the sun almost blinded us, I guess it's important that we had fun preparing for the one big day of our lives...our wedding!

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